New! Forest School CPD on Zoom

While we can’t meet together, we’ve taken some forest school support online with the first of a series on online CPD sessions to help people get set up with forest school.  Bradford Forest School Network member Get Out More CIC is running a couple of after school Zoom session targeted at Bradford schools in their Forest Pathways programme, but the invitation is extended to members of Bradford Forest School Network and anyone with an interest in the subject.  The days are still cold and short and we can’t go anywhere – its the perfect time to develop forest school skills ready to get going with forest school later in the year.

27 Jan, 3.30pm: Forest School Basics:  your questions about set-up, finding sites, getting the right insurance, sourcing equipment etc answered by experienced forest school practitioners.

9 Feb, 3.30pm: Risk Assessment for Forest School; the what, how and why of assessing and managing risk at forest school with Annie Berrington and Clare Proctor of Get Out More CIC

Tickets are free to schools in the Forest Pathways programme and full members of Bradford Forest School Network, and just £5 to anyone else.  

Go to the Events page to book your tickets.

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